In the course of a biosystematic investigation into Closterium ehrenbergii and C. moniliferum, 278 clones of these species originating from 17 populations in The Netherlands and England were screened for their electrophoretic banding patterns with respect to the enzymes catalase, shikimate dehydrogenase, malic enzyme, acid phosphatase and isocitrate dehydrogenase. The mean phenotypic identity value (Īp ) based on the zymograms between Dutch and English populations of C. ehrenbergii appeared to be considerably lower (Īp = 0·20) than between Dutch populations of C. ehrenbergii and C. moniliferum (Īp = 0·65). This indicates intrinsic genetic differences between the English and the Dutch populations of C. ehrenbergii investigated and suggests that this typological species should be split into (at least) two biological entities.