The anthelminthic constituent of the leaves of Calycopteris floribunda

The anthelmintic constituent extracted by acetone from the leaves is a dihydroxytetra-methoxyflavone, calycopterin, m.p. 225-226[degree]; its stability in alkaline soln. to aerial oxidation and the formation of p-hydroxybenzoic acid on alkali fusion indicate respectively a 3-methoxyl and a 4[image]-hydroxyl. Demethylation gives a new hexahydroxyflavone, calycopteretin, m.p. ca. 310[degree]. Derivatives are: diacetylcalycopterin, m.p. 129[degree]; dibenzoylcalycopterin, m.p. 165[degree]; dimethylcalycopterin, m.p. 131[degree]; hexaacetylcalycopteretin, m.p. 212[degree].