Influence of spin fluctuations on the electrical resistance ofUAl2andUPt3at high pressures and low temperatures

The compounds UAl2 and UPt3 are thought to exhibit ferromagnetic spin fluctuations. We have measured the electrical resistance of both materials to over 1000 K at zero pressure and from room temperature to 1 K at pressures up to 18 kbar. The primary effect of pressure is to reduce the lowtemperature slope RT and thus shift the inflection point in the resistance to higher temperatures. We interpret these observations as arising from an increase in the spin-fluctuation temperature Ts with increasing pressure. Using a Fermi-liquid description of these materials, we calculate the pressure dependence of the T=0 susceptibility from the pressure dependence of Ts. We also find that the temperature-dependent resistance at various fixed pressures scales as TTs(P) over a remarkably large temperature interval.