Exocytosis occurring during deposition of secondary wall material was studied by freeze-fracturing ultrarapidly frozen non-plasmolyzed and plasmolyzed tobacco pollen tubes. The secondary wall of tobacco pollen tubes shows a random orientation of microfibrils. This was observed directly on fractures through the tube wall and indirectly as imprints of microfibrils on fracture faces of the plasma membrane of non-plasmolyzed tubes. About half of the plasmatic fracture faces from non-plasmolyzed and plasmolyzed pollen tubes carried hexagonal arrays of intramembraneous particles in between randomly distributed particles. Deposition of secondary wall material was often accompanied by an undulated plasma membrane and the presence of membrane-bound vesicles in invaginations of the plasma membrane, between the plasma membrane and secondary wall and-especially in plasmolyzed tubes-within the secondary wall of tube flanks and wall cap. The findings are discussed in connection with published schemes of membrane behaviour during exocytosis.