Functional Analysis of a Dominant Mutation of Human Connexin26 Associated with Nonsyndromic Deafness

Cx26 has been implicated in dominant (DFNA3) and recessive (DFNB1) forms of nonsyndromic sensorineural deafness. While most homozygous DFNB1 Cx26 mutations result in a simple loss of channel activity, it is less clear how heterozygous mutations in Cx26 linked to DFNA3 cause hearing loss. We have tested the ability of one dominant mutation (W44C) to interfere with wild-type human Cx26 (HCx26wt). HCx26wt induced robust electrical conductance between paired oocytes, and facilitated dye transfer between transfected HeLa cells. In contrast, oocyte pairs injected with only W44C were not electrically coupled above background levels, and W44C failed to dye couple transfected HeLa cells. Moreover, W44C dramatically inhibited intercellular conductance of HCx26wt when co-expressed in an equal ratio, and the low levels of residual conductance displayed altered gating properties. A nonfunctional recessive mutation (W77R) did not inhibit the ability of HCx26wt to form functional channels when co-injected in the same oocyte pairs, nor did it alter HCx26wt gating. These results provide evidence for a functional dominant negative effect of the W44C mutant on HCx26wt and explain how heterozygous Cx26 mutations could contribute to autosomal dominant deafness, by resulting in a net loss, and/or alteration, of Cx26 function.