Cutting Edge: A Critical Role for IL-10 in Induction of Nasal Tolerance in Experimental Autoimmune Myocarditis

Appropriate treatment of autoimmune myocarditis following virus infection remains a major clinical problem. Induction of nasal tolerance may provide a new approach to treatment. However, the exact mechanism of nasal tolerance is unknown. To assess the mechanism of nasal tolerance, we examined the role of IL-10 in the induction and suppression of autoimmune myocarditis. First we showed that blocking IL-10 concurrent with nasal administration of Ag abolished the disease-suppressing effect of nasal tolerization. It also led to increased cardiac myosin-specific IL-1 and TNF-α production. Then we demonstrated that blocking IL-10 during the effector phase increased not only the incidence and severity of disease but also Ag-specific IL-2, IL-4, and TNF-α production as well as cardiac myosin-specific IgG1 and IgG2b production, whereas blocking IL-10 during the induction phase had no effect. This study implicates IL-10 in the induction of nasal tolerance and in limiting inflammation later during the disease process.