Widespread use of antimicrobials in the inpatient and outpatient setting has been associated with the emergence of multidrug-resistant microorganisms. A variety of methods exist to improve the appropriateness of antimicrobial use in the inpatient setting, including guidelines, antimicrobial use evaluations, microbiology laboratory guidance, formulary development and antimicrobial restriction, use of antimicrobial order or automatic stop order forms, and antimicrobial audits. To decrease the selective pressure that leads to development of pathogen resistance and to reduce antimicrobial expenditures, infectious disease, infection control, pharmacy, and administrative staff need to improve clinician use of antimicrobials through development and implementation of antimicrobial use committees. Through the implementation of a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to antimicrobial use and development of clinician education programs, inappropriate antimicrobial use can be reduced, patient care can be improved, and substantial cost savings can be realized.