Genetic Polymorphisms of Human Parotid Salivary Proteins (Pa, Pb, Pr, Db and Pm) and Salivary Amylase Isozyme in Japanese Population

Genetic polymorphisms of Pa [salivary acidicprotein], Pb [salivary basic protein], Pr [proline rich salivary protein], Db [double-band salivary protein], Pm [middle-band salivary protein] and Amy1[salivary amylase isozyme] were studied in samples of randomly chosen individuals from the Japanese population: The gene frequencies observed were: Pa+ = 0.227, Pa- = 0.733; Pb1 = 1.000; Pr1 = 0.745, Pr2 = 0.255; Db+ = 0.050, Db- = 0.950; Pm+ = 0.379, Pm- = 0.621; Amy1A = 0.990 and Amy1V = 0.010, respectively.