A Correlation Of Viscosity And Molecular Weight

Data have been obtained for molecular weight as a function of oil viscosity for a range of crude oils and bitumen fractions from 2.85 mPa.s (cp) to 1.23 X 1012 mPa.s (cp) at 25 °C (77 °F). A correlation based on these data has been useful in some compositional numerical simulations as well as in other studies, especially when viscosiry and molecular weight data are not easily obtained. The values are listed in Table l, along with density values. Much of the data consists of measurements on the residuals left behind after gas distillation or fractionation of Peace River bitumen. In this latter work, nitrogen was bubbled through Peace River tar in a succession of increasing temperatures. After each temperature step, a sample of the residual tar was removed and its viscosity, density, and molecular weight (by vapour pressure osmometry with toluene) measured. For the higher molecular weight samples, because of the high viscosities, it was necessary to make measurements at temperatures higher than room temperature (25 °C, 77 °F). The resulting values were then plotted on the standard ASTM viscosity chart and the curves extrapolated to 25 °C (77 °F). The value of the additional data on very heavy residual fractions lies in providing some possible numerical values for viscosity of the non-volatile component present in some compositional numerical simulations. The data for complete crudes and residual fractions are plotted on the extended graph (Fig. 1), along with some data for pure compounds in the low molecular weight region (normal paraffins plus benzene and toluene)(1), as indicated in the figure. Because of the wide range of the data and the variable nature of the samples, a visual estimate of the best curve was drawn through the data points below the viscosity value of 18 300 mPa.s. Because viscosity data were obtained on the distilled fractions as well as the residuals, these values were plotted in Figure 1 for comparison. (One point is left off the plot. It appears anomalous when compared with other similar data.) On the molecular weight-viscosity plot, most of the distillate fractions fall slightly below the curve obtained for original oils and tar residues. (They correspond to a temperature about 1 °C lower, but this is not expected to be significant.) Possibly a greater fraction of polar molecules in the original crudes cause the latter to exhibit a higher molecular weight than the compounds removed by distillation. In extending the plot beyond the value of 18 300 mPa.s we were guided by the published relation of Dunstan and Thole(2,3) Equation (Available In Full Paper) where µ is viscosity, M is molecular weight, a is a general constant, and b is a constant characteristic of any given homologous series. In this case we used a least squares fit to a straight line beginning at the point at µ = 18 300 mPa.s (cp) and increasing.