High Concordance of Karyotype Analysis and RT-PCR for CBF beta/MYH11 in Unselected Patients With Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Identification of the inversion 16 in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is of great practical value since these patients have a relatively favorable prognosis, especially when treated with high-dose cytarabine. We compared the results of cytogenetic analysis and reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for core binding factor (CBF) beta/myosin heavy chain (MYH11) in 241 unselected cases of AML. In contrast with other studies, we found a high concordance between these 2 methods. Eighteen of 241 patients showed a cytogenetic anomaly of the chromosome 16. We detected the fusion transcript by RT-PCR in all 18 cases and in 2 additional patients with AML without any cytogenetic anomaly of chromosome 16. One patient had a normal diploid karyotype, and the second patient showed a trisomy 22 in karyotype analysis, which often is associated with inv(16). Only 8 of 20 CBF beta/MYH11–positive patients had M4Eo morphologic features. The much higher discrepancy between cytogenetic analysis and RT-PCR in other studies, especially in AMLs other than M4Eo, possibly indicates the necessity for PCR screening regardless of the French-American-British classification.