Temporal and spatial distribution of heat shock mRNA and protein (hsp70) in the rabbit cerebellum in response to hyperthermia

We have previously investigated the expression of hsp70 genes in the hyperthermic rabbit brain at the mRNA level by Northern blot and in situ hybridization procedures. Our studies have now been extended to the protein level utilizing Western blot and immunocytochemistry. Using an antibody which is specific to inducible hsp70, a prominent induction of hsp70 protein in glial cells of hyperthermic animals was noted. In particular, Bergmann glial cells in the cerebellum are strongly immunoreactive while adjacent Purkinje neurons are immunonegative. Extension of our in situ hybridization studies to a time course analysis revealed that the initial glial induction events were followed by a delayed accumulation of inducible hsp70 mRNA in Purkinje neurons at 10 hr post-heat shock. In control animals, high levels of constitutively expressed hsc70 mRNA and protein were observed in Purkinje neurons. Similar hsc70 and hsp70 mRNA observations were also made in neurons of the deep cerebellar nuclei and in motor neurons of the spinal cord. Our results suggest that these neuronal cell types accmulate hsp70 mRNA in response to hyperthermic treatment; however, the response is delayed when compared to the rapid response seen in glial cells. The high constitutive levels of hsc70 in certain neuronal cell types may play a role in the initial dampening of the hsp70 induction response in these cells.