Varietal differences in growth, development and tuber production of potatoes.

In 1967-9, a comparative study was carried out on growth and development in relation to tuber production in 6 potato cv. Differences in productivity were not caused by 1 single growth or development parameter. The intervarietal yield differences were distinctly associated with genetic differences including leaf efficiency and size of the leaf apparatus, rate of stem growth and stem development and the earliness of cv., as well as by weather conditions. Early cv. were characterized by a higher growth rate and favourable DM distribution between June and July. Productivity of the later cv. was especially enhanced by a longer leaf area duration. This was a result of the slower senescence of the foliage during Aug. and Sept. The importance of the relation between stem and tuber growth was more distinct, whereas favourable tuber/stem ratios were independent of the earliness of cv. (Abstract retrieved from CAB Abstracts by CABI’s permission)