Combined Transrectal Ultrasonography and Urodynamics in the Evaluation of Detrusor‐sphincter Dyssynergia

Thirty-one combined transrectal ultrasonographic and urodynamic studies were performed in 24 patients with spinal cord lesions at different levels between C4 and T12. Ultrasonogrpahy provided accurate real-time imaging of the bladder neck, prostatic urethra and external sphincter during the bladder filling phase as well as during the voiding phase. Bladder and rectal pressures, sphincter EMG and uroflow were recorded simultaneously. Transrectal ultrasonography contributed significantly to the accuracy of diagnosing detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia. Sphincter contractions were clearly visualised with ultrasonographic video monitoring. This imaing method was especially helpful in sorting out the problems of 3 patients with poor emptying of bladder after endoscopic sphincterotomy. One had a urethral stricture and the other 2 had sphincters that opened adequately but bladders that emptied poorly because of detrusor hypocontractility. Other problems, such as benign prostatic hyperplasia and false passage, were also easily recognised. Transrectal ultrasonography not only provides accurate information but also involves no exposure to radiation and thus precludes the need for costly lead-shielded examination rooms.