Superconductivity, magnetic susceptibility, and electronic properties of amorphous (Mo1xRux)80P20 alloys obtained by liquid quenching

Results of x-ray diffraction, transmission-electron diffraction, and crystallization studies on amorphous (Mo1xRux)80P20 alloys obtained by liquid quenching are presented and discussed. The alloys are all found to be superconducting with transition temperatures ranging from ∼ 3 to ∼ 9°K. The variation of Tc with alloy composition is compared to that obtained by Collver and Hammond for vapor-quenched transition-metal films. Results of magnetic-susceptibility measurements are used to estimate the variation of the electronic density of states at the Fermi level N(0) from the Pauli paramagnetic contribution. The relationship between the variation of Tc and N(0) is discussed in terms of the microscope theory of superconductivity. Finally, results of measurements of the upper critical field Hc2, and the normal-state electronic transport properties are presented and compared with recent theoretical models for amorphous superconductors.