Reliability and Validity of the Sexual Self-Esteem Inventory for Women

The Sexual Self-Esteem Inventory for Women (SSEI-W) was developed to assess affective reactions to self-appraisals of sexuality. The 81-item measure contains five subscales, each of which reflects a domain of sexual self-esteem: Skill/Experience, Attractiveness, Control, Moral Judgement, and Adaptiveness. Using a college student sample, reliability analyses indicated that the subscales have high internal consistency. Construct validity was assessed by testing hypotheses regarding the effects of sexual experience, relationship commitment, sex guilt, and global self-esteem on sexual self-esteem. In most cases, as predicted, specific SSEI-W subscales were most strongly associated with specific constellations of predictor variables. These findings suggest that different domains of sexual self-esteem are affected by different situations and provide evidence for the multi-dimensionality of sexual self-esteem.