The positive ion mass spectra of the transition metal organometallic halide derivatives C5H5M(CO)3Cl(M  Mo or W), C7H7W(CO)2I, C3H5Fe(CO)3I, [C3H5PdCl]2, and [C5H5Mo(NO)I2]2have been investigated. Further examples of the elimination of CO and C2H2fragments were noted. In addition the following effects of particular interest were observed:(i) Evidence in the mass spectra of the chlorides for reactions with adventitious iodine and even bromine present in the mass spectrometer; (ii) Evidence for conversion of the compounds C5H5Mo(CO)3X to the new halides [C5H5Mo(CO)X]2upon pyrolysis; (iii) Evidence for facile losses of the π‐allyl group, the iodine atom, and methyl iodide in the mass spectrum of the π‐allyl derivative C3H5Fe(CO)3I; (iv) Evidence for loss of iodine upon introducing [C5H5Mo(NO)I2]2into the mass spectrometer to give ions derived from [C5H5Mo(NO)I]2.