Problems Related to Alcohol Consumption by Adolescents Living in the City of Porto Alegre, Brazil

A cross-sectional household survey was conducted in a randomized sample of 575 households of the city of Porto Alegre, Brazil, providing a weighted N of 950 adolescents, their ages ranging from 10 to 18. Subjects were submitted to individualized interviewing, using a structured instrument, about their normal and abusive patterns of alcohol drinking. Alcohol use is frequent (71%), with no sex differences. Overall, males reported more problems with drinking than females (36.8% vs. 28.9%), its prevalence increasing in the older subjects. Seventy percent of the problems (both sexes) were physical complaints. Normal, excessive, and intoxicating levels of use were recorded, with higher patterns reported by males. Lifetime intoxications were common (more than 50%) after the age of 17, and more frequently reported by males. The implications for prevention programs and strategies to cope with adolescent alcohol abuse are discussed.