SUMMARY: The Br content of soils and herbage from sites in north-west Pembrokeshire was determined. Topsoils had a range of Br contents from 10 to 515 μg/g, with a mean of 54 μg/g, subsoils ranged from < 1 to 455 μg/g, mean 47 μg/g, and herbage samples from 5 to 157 μg/g, mean 45 μg/g.The topsoil Br content can be related to the loss on ignition and drainage status of the soil; the topsoil Br/loss on ignition ratio becomes smaller with increasingly poor drainage. It was found that the Br distribution in the soil profile is also related to drainage status, the topsoil/subsoil Br ratio increasing with increasingly poor drainage.There is no clear relationship between soil Br and the amount of the element taken up by the herbage at the same sites.

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