Factor Analysis and Computerized Eeg: Preliminary Data on Schizophrenic Patients

Factor Analysis can extract salient features from EEG data and reduce redundancy of multi-channel computerized EEG data. A 16-channel computerized frequency analysis of background brain electrical activity during 3 functional conditions (eyes closed, eyes open and hyperventilation) was carried out in two groups, fifty healthy subjects and twenty-three schizophrenics. The power log-transformed relative values of normal subjects and schizophrenic patients were submitted to Factor Analysis and the resulting factor scores were compared. Schizophrenics showed EEG abnormalities in delta 2, theta 1 and alpha 2 bands for the first factor, accounting for the eyes closed condition, and in theta 2 and beta 2 bands for the second factor, accounting for the eyes open condition. This preliminary study demonstrates the utility of Factor Analysis in managing and comparing computerized EEG data.