We consider the nonlinear aeroelasticity problem of the interaction between a viscous, incompressible fluid and Lin elastic solid undergoing large displacement. The non-linearities of the problem formulation include the solid and fluid governing equations. as well as thc dependence of the How geometry on the solid deformation. The resulting coupling is thus two-way. We develop domain-decomposition methods for solution and sensitivity analysis of the coupled problem. The domain decomposition is in the form of a block-Gauss-Seidel-like prcconditioncr that decomposes ihc coupled-domain problem into distinct nonovcrlapping fluid and solid subdotnain problems. The preconditioner thus enables exploitation or single-domain algorithms for solid and fluid mechanics discretization and solution. On the other hand, two-way fluid-solid coupling is retained within the residuals, which is essential for correct sensitivities. Sensitivities of field quantities can be found with little additional work beyond that required for solving the coupled fluid-solid system. The methodology developed here is illustrated by the solution of a problem of viscous incompressible flow about an infinite clastic cylinder. Sensitivities of the resulting velocity and displacement fields with respect to elastic modulus and fluid viscosity are computed.