Pheromone Study on Acarid Mites. XII. CHaracterization of the Hydrocarbons and External Gland Morphology of the Opishonotal Glands of Six Species of Mites (Acari : Astigmata)

The hydrocarbon components in the opisthonotal glands of six species of agriculturally important astigmated mites were identified. These included n-tridecane, n-tetradecane, n-pentadecane, Z-.DELTA.5-tridecene, Z-.DELTA.6- and Z-.DELTA.7-tetradecene, Z-.DELTA.6- and Z-.DELTA.7-pentadecene, and Z,Z-.DELTA.6,9-pentadecadiene. Tyrophagus neiswanderi and T. putrescentiae are characterized by abundant quantities of monoenes and dienes, whereas the hydrocarbons of T. similis and Carpoglyphus lactis are predominately n-alkanes, with only minor quantities of the alkenes. Aleuroglyphus ovatus and Rhizoglyphus robini contain only n-tridecane (> 97%) and n-tetradecane. Aleuroglyphus ovatus and Rhizoglyphus robini contain only n-tridecane (> 97%) and n-tetradecane. Scanning electron microscopy of the opisthonotal gland orifice revealed a novel and previously unknown "trapdoor" closure which appears to regulate the release of gland contents.