Correlates of Job Placement Practice

The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) was used to study the factors that influence the intention of public rehabilitation counselors to place consumers living with AIDS into jobs. Participants completed the Rehabilitation Counselor Intention to Place Survey, which was based on 2,089 elicited salient job placement beliefs of 155 public rehabilitation job placement professionals. Rehabilitation Counselor Intention to Place Survey measures of attitudes, influential referent groups, and impediments to job placement were validated, and significant correlations with intention were identified. Hypotheses were developed within the guidelines of the TPB to examine the influence of attitude, referent groups, and impediments to job placement when placing a consumer living with AIDS into a job. The constructs of attitude and referent groups were significant predictors of the intention of public rehabilitation counselors to place consumers living with AIDS into jobs and suggest direction for further applications of the TPB in vocational rehabilitation research.