Plateau Potentials in Cat Neocortical Association CellsIn VivaSynaptic Control of Dendritic Excitability

The dendrites of neocortical pyramidal cells are bombarded by myriads of synaptic inputs and express active conductances generating prominent plateau potentials. We have examined in vivo the possibility that spontaneous synaptic inputs trigger or terminate plateau potentials after blockage of K+ currents. Under barbiturate anaesthesia, pairs of cortical cells were intracellularly recorded with sharp electrodes from the cat's association cortex (areas 5-7). In one pyramidal cell, K+ channels were blocked with intracellular Cs+, while in the simultaneously impaled pyramidal cell the K+ conductances were left intact to act as a control; this second cell allowed recognition of spontaneous spindle-related synaptic activity. Depolarizing current pulses elicited single, all-or-none plateau potentials (60-70 mV, 0.1-0.4 s). Plateau potentials slowly repolarized towards a break point of fast repolarization around -20 mV. Thalamic-evoked inhibitory postsynaptic potentials consistently shut off the plateaus. Synchronized spontaneous activity, as occurring during thalamic-generated spindle oscillations, either triggered or blocked the plateaus. These results suggest that spontaneously occurring synaptic activation during synchronized oscillatory states, such as those that occur during sleep spindles in vivo, may exert a strong control over the dendritic excitability in neocortical pyramidal cells.