Carnitine metabolism during prolonged exercise and recovery in humans

Lennon et al. (J. Appl. Physiol. 55: 489–495, 1983) have recently reported a large loss of muscle total carnitine (TC) after 40 min of moderate exercise. These authors have also suggested that elevations in plasma esterified carnitine (EC) were due to the release of these carnitine esters from muscle during exercise. After 10 male subjects underwent 90 min of cycle egometry we found no alteration in muscle TC from preexercise values. Plasma EC progressively increased above resting values during exercise and remained elevated above rest at 0.75 and 1.5 h into recovery. Elevations of plasma EC were largely due to a decrement in free carnitine (FC) in both conditions. Immediately postexercise the urinary fractional reabsorbsion of EC and FC were similar to that at rest. These results suggest that a net loss of TC from exercising muscle does not occur. As in other conditions marked by falling insulin concentrations, elevations in plasma EC could result from an exchange of carnitine with the hepatic carnitine pool.