The fall of Heff at the nucleus of 119Sn in fcc Co from −22 kOe at 4.2°K to −10 kOe at 500°K has been reported. We have now measured Heff between 900° and 1300°K and find values of 8–9 kOe. The sign was not determined, but following the trend of the earlier results leads us to believe that it is positive. We take up the suggestion that there is a component of Heff due to 5s | 3d overlap which has a temperature dependence due to the strong distance dependence of 〈5s|3d〉 . If |〈5s|3d〉|2∝r−n=(d−x)−n where d is the distance between atoms, x the thermal displacement of an atom, and n large, then |〈5s|3d〉|2∝〈x2 , neglecting thermal expansion and higher terms. Using for simplicity an Einstein model for 〈x2 , we find that the results can be well fitted by Heff=σ(−27.8+5.1 coth TE/2T), where σ is the magnetization, and TE = 281°K is an Einstein temperature.