The Fate of Homologous Nasal SeptalCartilagesin Tympanoplasty

We have used homologous nasal septal cartilage for tympanoplasty for the last 8 years and obtained satisfactory results. In order to demonstrate the fate of homograft cartilage implanted into the middle ear, mucopolysaccharides have been studied by means of enzyme digestion. The matrix of normal septal cartilage was divided into three regions: I) pericellular region; chondroitin sulfate B, 2) distal interstitial region; hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfates, 3) peripheral interstitial region; collagen. In preserved cartilage, chondroitin sulfate B was lacked out, but hyaluronic acid and collagen remained intact though the amount of mucopolysaccharides diminished slightly when compared with normal septal cartilage. Homograft cartilages evidenced depletion of mucopolysaccharides. Homograft cartilages should be used for the purposes mentioned, though not as material for columella, nor for reconstruction of large bone defect.