Unfallfolgen nach schweren Verletzungen

Consequences of accidents are found not only in physical but also in psychological and social areas. The quality of life of severely injured patients is significantly reduced compared with the normal population even years after the trauma. Subjective experiences of severely injured patients during and after hospitalization have a major impact on the subsequent quality of life. Knowledge of these factors is essential for the planning, organization and implementation of rehabilitation after severe injury. The phase model of rehabilitation after trauma requires early initiation of therapy even during acute treatment as so-called early rehabilitation. After a specialized post-acute rehabilitation additional therapeutic options are often required. Besides pain management the focus lies especially in work-related rehabilitation and psychological support which is also decisive for the success of rehabilitation of accident victims. For severely injured patients it is important to provide sufficient support, e.g. through a case manager which does not end with discharge from the rehabilitation facility. The aim of all efforts is reintegration into the working and social environment and the best possible quality of life.

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