Test of the triaxial rotor model and the interacting boson-fermion approximation model description of collective states inIr193

Coulomb excitation of states in Ir193 up to J=(21/2) has been observed with 160-MeV Ar40 and 617-MeV Xe136 ions. Most of these states are grouped into three rotational-like bands based on the (3/2)+ ground state, the (1/2)+ first excited state, and the (7/2)+ γ-vibrational-like state at 621 keV. The average deviation between experimental and theoretical energies for 18 states is 54 keV for the particle-asymmetric-rigid-rotor model and 66 keV for the interacting boson-fermion approximation model [limited to broken Spin(6) symmetry and only the d3/2 orbital is considered]. The overall agreement of both model predictions with experimental γ-ray yields for the collective transitions within the (3/2)+ band is quite good.