Fission cross sections up to 20 MeV/nucleon

Fission cross sections have been measured for the following reactions: C12(at Eb=95, 122, 186, 245, and 291 MeV) on Yb174, Pt198, and U238; O16 (at Eb=140, 175, 216, 250, and 315 MeV) on Nd142, Er170, Os192, and U238; S32 (at Eb=350, 500, and 700 MeV) on Te126, Nd144, and U238; and Ni58 (at Eb=352 and 875 MeV) on Zr96, Cd116, and U238. We find that use of statistical model calculations with the Bass heavy-ion potential, which fit the data below 10 MeV/nucleon, do not fit fission cross sections at higher energies. Invoking dynamical...