Simulations of the NO+NH3 and NO+H2 reactions on Pt(100): Steady state and oscillatory kinetics

A model for the reactions of NO+NH3 and NO+H2 has been developed for simulating the reduction of NO on Pt(100) in the 10−6 mbar pressure range for temperatures between 300 and 700 K. The model consists of seven ordinary differential equations for describing the coverage changes of six adsorbed species as well as an equation for describing the 1×1⇄hex phase transformation. Simulations of the N2 and H2O reaction rates for both reaction mixtures reproduced the hysteresis effects and the existence range for kinetic oscillations, which were found in the experiments. In addition, the occurrence of the so‐called ‘‘surface explosion’’ in both reaction systems is well described by the model. In contrast to the NO+CO reaction on Pt(100), where oscillations may also take place on a pure 1×1 substrate, the 1×1⇄hex phase transition occurs during oscillations for the NO+NH3 and NO+H2 reactions. The transitions between different adsorbate/substrate phases during one oscillatory cycle which are predicted by the model are in agreement with experimental observations made by photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM) for the NO+NH3 reaction. Using values for the constants which were taken from experiments, the model provided quantitative predictions of the absolute reaction rates as well as the relative rates of the competing reaction channels, e.g., N2 and NH3 production in the case of the NO+H2 reaction. The similar dynamical behavior observed in the NO+H2 and NO+NH3 reactions on Pt(100) is attributed to the insensitivity of NO reduction to the source of the hydrogen atoms.