Nocturnal Plasma Melatonin Profile and Melatonin Kinetics During Infusion in Status Migrainosus

The plasma melatonin profile was significantly disturbed (phase-shift of the maximum melatonin level) in four out of six female sufferers from status migrainosus, compared with nine healthy controls. The number of secretion peaks was similar in both groups. A nocturnal 20 μg melatonin infusion (from 21.00 to 01.00 h) evoked plasma melatonin levels slightly higher than a physiological secretion peak. During infusion, the episodes of secretion were reinforced and the endogenous plasma profile was phase-advanced in two patients displaying a phase-delay. These data suggest impaired pineal function in migraine. In the absence of side effects of melatonin infusion, the relief of certain migraine symptoms described by our patients might support a controlled trial of melatonin in migraine.