Radial Anisotropic Growth of Rhodium Nanoparticles

In this contribution, we report the synthesis of rhodium multipods that result from a homogeneous seeded growth mechanism. Small Rh nanocrystal seeds were synthesized by the reduction of RhCl3 in ethylene glycol in the presence of PVP. These seed particles could be subsequently used, without isolation, to form larger rhodium nanoparticles. A reaction temperature of 190 °C led to isotropic cubic Rh particles. Lowering the reaction temperature resulted in more anisotropic growth, which gave Rh cubes with horns at 140 °C, and Rh multipods at 90 °C. The anisotropic growth occurred in the (111) direction, as determined by high-resolution TEM (HRTEM). Anisotropic growth proceeds via a seeded growth mechanism, and not by oriented attachment.