A satisfying after-effect occurring within a second or two after the connection of a response with a situation and belonging to it as its after-effect strengthens that connection by virtue of a 'confirming reaction', a physiological reinforcement which acts on connections as other forms of reinforcement do on sensations or movements. The intention of our experiments is to discover the influence of sheer empty delay, or of something closely approximating it which interferes as little as possible with the belonging of the after-effect to the connection. Forty-eight educated adult subjects tossed balls back over their heads at an unseen target. In spite of records from forty thousand throws, all that can safely be said is that there is improvement when announcements follow the connections with no intervening throw, even with delay up to 6 seconds, that delays of 4 and 6 sec seem to lessen this improvement, that some of this improvement is lost during periods of no announcement, and that announcements referring to the second throw previous do no good. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved)