The relative killing efficiency of cobalt-60 , rays, and helium, carbon, oxygen, fluorine, neon, and argon ions of ~10 Mev per nucleon[long dash]covering a LET range of~10 to 104 Mev-em2/gm[long dash]has been invewtigated for Tl and [phi]X-174 bacteriophage in the dry state. A marked difference in sensitivity dependence of these 2 phages on LET is found and ascribed to differences in virus nucleic acid. For [phi]X-174, containing single-stranded DNA, the inactivation is in accord with that expected from a simple target theory. The inactivation of double-stranded DNA in Tl follows a much more complicated course, and it is highly likely that at least 2 different processes of inactivation take place.