The Role of Caerulein in Tests of Exocrine Pancreatic Function

Secretin (1 CU/kg) plus caerulein (100 ng/kg) or cholecystokinin (1 or 2 Ivy U[units]/kg) were given by rapid i.v. injection or by continuous infusion to 63 control subjects, and 69 patients, affected by chronic pancreatitis (CP). Duodenal juice was collected for 2 and 4 30 min periods. Volume, bicarbonate, and enzyme content were measured. Secretin-caerulein, by rapid i.v. injection, showed a strong overlapping between C and CP values and led to some side-effects. Secretin-caerulein by continuous i.v. infusion gave almost identical results as the secretin-cholecystokinin.