The Bose-Einstein condensation mechanism is shown to be capable of accounting for the existence of separate hydrodynamic velocity fields for the normal and the superfluid, provided suitable assumptions are made with regard to the single-particle energy spectrum. We consider the effect on the microcanonical gas distribution of imposing a nonzero value of the total momentum P. For an ordinary gas the effect is trivial, the whole distribution being merely shifted in momentum space. However, in the case of a degenerate Bose gas whose single-particle energy spectrum has a sharp minimum (gap or cusp), only the excited part of the gas (normal fluid) participates in the imposed motion, the condensate (superfluid) remaining "frozen" in momentum space. This rigidity of the condensate in momentum space plays the same role as the rigidity of the superelectrons on imposition of a magnetic field in the London theory of superconductivity. P acts as an additional thermodynamic variable, states with P ≠ 0 being macroscopically metastable and corresponding to the existence of a relative velocity between normal and superfluid. The basic hydrodynamic assumption of the two-fluid model is thus reduced to an assumption concerning the form of an effective single-particle energy spectrum, and the parallelism between the theories of superconductivity and superfluidity is clearly exhibited. The present theory permits, in particular, the introduction of the mathematical form of Landau's phonon and "roton" spectra within the framework of the Bose-Einstein condensation picture. The statistical-thermodynamic formulas are derived and are shown to lead to characteristic two-fluid equations derived previously from a variational principle.

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