The effect of suspended particulate material on cyanobacteria-cyanophage interactions in liquid culture

The effect of the lytic phage LPP-DUN1 on the cyanobacterium Plectonema boryanum was investigated in batch and in continuous cultures in the presence and absence of silt. In batch culture, Plectonema without added phage grew normally; the presence of phage caused rapid lysis of the cyanobacterium and the addition of silt prevented lysis by the phage. In continuous culture the numbers of cyanobacterial cells and phage particles oscillated in a reciprocal manner, but the addition of silt damped down the oscillations in Plectonema biomass without decreasing the numbers of phage particles isolated from the cultures. The presence of silt thus appears to protect the cyanobacterium from lysis by phage, although the total numbers of phage particles are relatively unaffected by the silt, at least in the short-term.