Characters of conidiophores and conidium development are used for the separation of some common temperate and a few tropical Hyphomycetes into 8 sections. After a review of previous work on classification of these fungi, diagnoses are given for the sections (numbered but not named), and rather detailed discussions are given under each, mentioning how the characters show up in various spp. The following n. combs. are proposed during these discussions. In sect. IA Bispora antennata (Monilia a. Pers. ex Fr.), Septonema harknessii (Dendryphion h. Ellis), S. leptaleum (D. h. var. 1. Ellis), and Cladosporium harknessii (Monilia h. Peck). Sect. IB includes: Oidium ramosum (Torula ramosa Fuckel), Gonatobotryum apiculatum (Haplographium a. Peck), and Nematogonium parasiticum (Gonatorrhodiella parasitica Thaxter). In Sect. II: Virgaria lignatilis (Cladosporium lignatile Schw.), Tritirachium hydicola (Virgaria h. Peck), Costantinella micheneri (Botrytis m. Berk. and Curt.), and Streptothrix globosa (Trichoderma globosum Schw. ex Fr.). In Sect. III: Sporidesmium folliculatum (Helminthosporium f. Corda), Stysanus purpureofuscus (Aspergillus p. Fr.), Bactrodesmium spilomeum (Sporidesmium s. Berk. and Br.), Sporidesmiumdensum (Helminthosporium d. Sacc. and Roum.), Thyrostromella negundinis (Coryneum n. Berk. and Curt.), T. pedunculata (Blachysporium pedunculatum Ell. and Everh.), and T. sambucina (Coryneum sambucinum Ell. and Everh.). In Sect. IV: Chalara insigne (Sporoschisma i. Sacc, Rouss., and Bomm.). In Sect. V: Sirodesmium peziza (Sporidesmium p. Cooke and Ellis) and Trimmatostroma betulinum (Coniothecium b. Corda). In Sect. VI: Helminthosporium atrovirens (Spondylocladium a. Harz), Spondylocladium obovatunm (Acrothecium o. Cooke and Ellis), Diplococcium uniseptatum (Virgaria uniseptata), D. indivisum (V. indivisa Sacc.), Alternaria consortiale (Macrosporium c. Thum.), and Dendryphion interseminatum (Helminthosporium i. Berk, and Rav.). In Sect. VII: Coremiella ulmariae (Stysanus u. McWeeney). There is a discussion of the problem of assigning generic names to Fungi Imperfecti. Data are given on the collections cited in this paper. Finally, n. spp. and genera (some involving n. combs. in addition to those previously listed) are descr., as follows: in Sect. II: VERTICICLADIELLA, type V. abietina (Sporocybe a. Peck); VIRGARIELLA, type V. globigera (Virgaria g. Sacc. and Ellis), and including V. fusca (Haplaria f. Cooke) and V. atra, found on rotten wood of Firaxinus excelsior, England; in Sect. III: MONOSPORELLA, type M. setosa (Monotospora s. Berk. and Curt.), and including M. sphaerocephala (Monotospora s. Berk. and Br.); Bactrodesmium masonii, on dead Fagus sylvatica, in the ground, England; and sect. VI: DENDRYPHIOPSIS, type D. atra (Dendryphion atrum Corda).