Previous accounts of pumpellyite, a blue-gree n hydrous silicate of calcium and aluminium, are few in number; the first record is that of Palache and Vassar, who described the mineral after a study of the amygdaloidal rocks of the Keweenaw Peninsula. Later Burbank recorded a very similar occurrence in Haiti, West Indies. Again, it was observed as a constituent of veins cutting glaucophaneschists in California by Irving, Vonsen, and Gonyer, and later by Waldmann at Hochlantsch Mount, Styria, in an altered diabase, and from Lake Enare, Finnish Lapland, where it occurred in altered lime-silicate rocks. Pumpellyite was found by Quitzow in diabaseporphyrites and glaueophane-rocks from the Trias of northern Calabria, Italy.

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