Effect of Anticoccidial Programs on Broiler Performance

Two floor pen trials were conducted to study the effects of 16 anticoccidial programs on broiler performance during a mild coccidial challenge. Twelve shuttle programs were arranged with three starter programs (72 or 90 g/ton narasin + nicarbazin, or 113 g/ton nicarbazin) shuttled to one of four grower programs (100 g/ton monensin, 63 or 72 g/ton narasin, or 60 g/ton salinomycin) at 21 days of age. All feed contained roxarsone and bacitracin MD with the exception of the narasin + nicarbazin feed. Mortality was not affected by anticoccidial programs. All continuous ionophore programs resulted in similar body weights and feed efficiency. During the starter period narasin + nicarbazin and the ionophores provided better gain and feed:gain ratios than nicarbazin. All ionophores provided similar performance during the grower period of the shuttle programs. Birds on the narasin + nicarbazin shuttle programs had greater final weights than birds on either the nicarbazin shuttle or the continuous ionophore programs. These data demonstrate that narasin + nicarbazin to ionophore shuttle programs produce better weight gains than either nicarbazin to ionophore shuttle programs or continuous ionophore programs.