The antibacterial peptide toxin colicin V uses a dedicated signal sequence-independent system for its secretion in Escherichia coli and requires the products of three genes, cvaA, cvaB, and tolC. As a member of the membrane fusion protein family, CvaA is supposed to form a bridge that connects the inner and outer membranes via interaction with CvaB and TolC, respectively. In this study, we investigated the possible interaction of these proteins. When CvaA or CvaB was absent, the corresponding amount of CvaB or CvaA, respectively, was decreased, and the amounts of both proteins were reduced when TolC was depleted. Translational lacZ fusions showed that TolC did not affect the synthesis of either CvaA-beta-galactosidase or CvaB-beta-galactosidase, and CvaA or CvaB did not affect the synthesis of CvaB-beta-galactosidase or CvaA-beta-galactosidase, respectively. However, the stabilities of CvaA and CvaB proteins were affected by the absence of one another and by that of TolC. The instability of CvaA was more severe in TolC-depleted cells than in CvaB-depleted cells. On the other hand, CvaB was less stable in the absence of CvaA than in the absence of TolC. In addition, using a cross-linking reagent, we showed that CvaA directly interacts with both CvaB and TolC proteins. Taken together, these data support the hypothesized structural role of CvaA in connecting CvaB and TolC.