Chamber-Specific Alterations of Norepinephrine Uptake Sites in Cardiac Hypertrophy

—The present study investigated local differences of sympathetic activation and sympathetic neuroeffector defects in nonhypertrophied right and hypertrophied left ventricles in a rat model with renin-induced pressure overload [TG(m REN 2)27]. As judged from the depletion of myocardial norepinephrine stores, sympathetic activation was more pronounced in the left than in the right ventricles. In addition, norepinephrine uptake 1 carrier sites were reduced in left but unchanged in right ventricles. Gene expression of the carrier was unchanged in stellate ganglia. An increase of G expression and a heterologous adenylyl cyclase desensitization occurred only in the left but not in the right ventricles, whereas a reduction of β-adrenergic receptors was observed in both chambers. We concluded that general sympathetic activation can lead to β-adrenoceptor downregulation but that pressure overload further increases sympathetic activation involving norepinephrine uptake mechanisms in the left ventricles, resulting in heterologous β-adrenergic desensitization.