The torque constant of a closed cylinder rotating in a viscous medium has been calculated for length (2a) over width (2b) ratios larger than 3.5 to within a first order in b/a. The analysis demonstrates how the contributions to the viscous dissipation tend to be underestimated in hydrodynamic considerations so that the geometrical values deduced from them come out too high. Experimental results for the torque on cylindrical rods and ellipsoids for a/b values from 3.5 to 30 are close to the theoretical results. For a/b>10 the difference is about 10%; for shorter molecules 20%. With the rotational diffusion constant given by 3kT (σ—γ)/8πηa3ω, where σ=log2a/b we obtain best fit with γ(σ>2)=1.57–7 (1/σ—0.28)2±0.25. Experimental data for the rotational diffusion constant of a cylindrical virus (a/b=20) in water, obtained by O'Konski and Haltner agree with this result within 10%. The length of the protein fits within 3%.