Die Hemmung der lichtinduzierten Chlorophyll‐, Carotinoid‐ und Anthocyansynthese durch Äthanol

The Inhibition of the Light Induced Chlorophyll, Carotenoid and Anthocyan Synthesis by Ethanol.It is shown that already low concentrations of ethanol inhibit the light induced formation of pigments (chlorophylls, carotenoids, anthocyanins) in Raphanus‐seedlings.The degree of inhibition depends on the ethanol concentration and rises with increasing incubation period. The inhibition of pigment synthesis is reversible, and immediately ceases when ethanol is removed. The formation of chlorophylls and anthocyanin is more repressed than that of carotenoids, and the formation of β‐carotene to a higher extent than that of xanthophylls. It is concluded that ethanol inhibits pigment formation by inhibition of protein synthesis. These results indicate that ethanol and other lower alcohols cannot be used for the solubilizing of organic compounds when these are applied to plant tissues.