Effect of Caerulein on Exocrine and Endocrine Pancreas in the Rat

The secretions of insulin, glucagon, pancreatic juice, and amylase in response to a 20-min iv infusion of synthetic caerulein were studied simultaneously in the anesthetized rat. Caerulein, a chemical analogue of cholecystokinin, was used in doses of 1-1000 ng⁄kg-min. The maximum stimulatory effect of caerulein on pancreatic juice volume and amylase output was obtained with doses of 10 ng⁄kg min. With increasing doses, the effect decreased progressively. On the other hand, the release of insulin and glucagon was stimulated only by supramaximal doses of caerulein, which had little or no effect on pancreatic exocrine secretions. These results raised the question of whether, under physiological conditions, cholecystokinin regulates the secretory activity of the endocrine pancreas.