Behavior and single gene substitution inDrosophila melanogaster. I. Mating and courtship differences withw, cn, andbw Loci

The effect of single allele substitutions into an isogenic background in Oregon-R inbred lines of Drosophila melanogaster on courtship and mating patterns has been studied. A comparison has been made between the white locusw, w co ,w e , the wild typew + ,cn, bw, andcn bw to test the effect of eye pigmentation in influencing courtship and mating patterns. It was found thatw, w e ,w co ,cn, andbw females were more successful in mating than were wild-type andcn bw females,cn bw females being less successful than wild-type females. Also,w andcn bw males were equally successful in mating but less successful than wild-type males during the 20-min test period. The mutant males performed as well as the wild-type after courtship was initiated. The behavioral parameters measured were (1) courtship latency, the time from exposure of male to female until orientation; (2) mating speed, the time from beginning of orientation of male to female until successful copulation; and (3) copulation time.