Enhanced wear performance of highly crosslinked UHMWPE for artificial joints

It is well known that osteolysis induced by polyethylene wear debris is the main cause of long-term failure of hip and knee prostheses. We developed a treatment of medical-grade ultra-high molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) in order to improve its tribologic properties and reduce its wear. Medical-grade UHMWPE was irradiated with a 200 kGy dose of radiation, thermally stabilized at a temperature close to the melting point, and then sterilized with ethylene oxide. The irradiation treatment was performed to crosslink the UHMWPE. The thermal stabilization treatment, contributing to the reaction between the free radicals generated by the irradiation process, was chosen to enhance crosslinking and to prevent oxidation and the shortening of chains. The non-invasive sterilization process with ethylene oxide was chosen to prevent the re-formation of free radicals. The wear performance of this material was compared to UHMWPE, untreated or treated with different sterilization techniques, using γ and β irradiation. Insoluble crosslinked constituents were measured with an extraction method. Wear was evaluated using a flat-on-ring wear test machine. While small differences were found among the different sterilization processes, 200 kGy-irradiated UHMWPE followed by thermal treatment and sterilization with ethylene oxide had the least wear and the greatest amount of crosslinking. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res, 50, 381–387, 2000.