The concomitant occurrence of Zenker's diverticulum and hiatus hernia in several patients prompted an investigation to determine whether there is a statistically significant increased incidence of hiatus hernia in patients with Zenker's diverticulum. Radiologic reports contained in 104 charts of patients from the University of Iowa with a diagnosis of Zenker's diverticulum were analyzed retrospectively for the presence of hiatus hernia. Radiologic reports contained in charts of a control group of patients, who had a barium swallow for work-up of a head and neck malignancy, were also analyzed. The control group had a 16% incidence of hiatus hernia, which was consistent with published data. The Zenker's diverticulum group had a 39% incidence of hiatus hernia, a statistically significant increase over the control group. The pathophysiology linking these conditions and the clinical implications of their relationship are discussed.