Variation in Bacterial Count in Otorrhea from Cases of Chronic Otitis Media Depending Upon the Method of Antibiotic Administration

Patients with chronic otitis media (COM) were divided into two groups, one to be given Cephalexin (CEX) orally and the other to be given CEX ear drops locally. The counts of viable bacteria in otorrheal samples collected before and after CEX administration were determined. The incidence of decrease in the count of bacteria was higher in the group given ear drops than in the group given oral doses. The magnitude of decrease was greater in the former group. Various concentration of CEX representing the levels of the drug considered available at an otitis focus following oral administration were added to otorrheal preparations placed in biophoto-meter cells. After 24 hours of incubation, bacteria as undetected initially in the otorrhea were found in the biophotometer cells in 3 of 14 cases of COM.

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