Synthesis and Structure of Ultrafine Zeolite KL (LTL) Crystallites and their Use for Thin Film Zeolite Processing

Synthesis conditions were identified leading to agglomerates of nearly cylindrical zeolite nanocrystals with dimensions less than 50 nm in the channel direction and approximately 10 nm in diameter (in the direction perpendicular to the zeolite channels). The nanocrystals form agglomerates with approximate particle sizes ranging from 20 to 400 nm as determined by DLS. Washing with repeated centrifugation and sonication results in stable (over long periods of time) colloidal suspensions of the zeolite particles in water (pH ∼ 7) with zeolite concentrations of lOg/l. The average zeolite particle size of the suspension can be as low as 20 nm as determined by DLS. Films free of microcracks were prepared from these suspensions by evaporation of water.